Since I am a working mommy I have to be organized in order for our lives to run smoothly and be able to get everything done that I want and needs to get done. I currently work 4 - 10 hour shifts. Sassy is in daycare 3 day a week and my mom watches her one day a week. Daddy works 60-80 hours a week between his two jobs so he is not able to help out as much as he use to. So that leaves a lot of the burden up to me... the cleaning, the cooking, the child-rearing, the laundry, taking care of 2 dogs, etc. My SAHM always tell me they have no clue how I do it... well I don't get a whole lot of sleep. I usually go to bed around 11pm and the days that I work I have to be up at 5am in order to get Sassy and I out the door to school and work by 6:20. So this is how I do it. I while ago, I found that I was wasting a lot of time by doing things multiple times during the week, like paying bills, emailing, laundry, cleaning, etc. So I have now broken everything down to days..... Mondays - Clean...
Welcome to a real working mommas world. It's not just about juggling the 9-5, the kids, the hubby and life. It's about living. My goal is to be a voice and place for working momma out there. So here we go...