I am starting to get burned out and tired of cooking all of the time. In the summer and spring Daddy cooks more since it's nice out and we grill 90% of our meals. Bring on spring. Oh wait they are calling for a big snow storm tonight. YAH! Here my sarcasm So here are my easy prep and clean up meals for the plan for our week. Check out everyone else's meal plan's HERE
Monday : Chicken Pot Pie & Salad
Tuesday: BBQ Pork Sandwiches
Wednesday: Pack for Sassy's Lunch - Sliced cheese & Noodles
Dinner - Super nachos made with refried beans, black beans, lettuce, tomato &, sour cream
Thursday: Pack for Sassy's Lunch - Soy Yogurt & Soup
Dinner - Pancakes
Friday: Pack for Sassy's Lunch - Sliced Cheese, Ravioli & Roll or Bread
Dinner - Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Saturday : London Broil, Baked Potatoes & Salad
Sunday: Hamburgers, Whole Wheat Rolls & French Fries
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