This week I finally received my rebate from my new cell phone. So I hit alot of great deals and stocked up. So we will not be in need of many things for a while. See how everyone else did at the Grocery Cart Challenge
Dove Body Wash 5.99 -$1.50 coupon 2.99
3 Irish Spring 6.57 - $1 coupon 4.57
3 Sauve Body Wash 6.00 - $2 coupon 2.00
Flinstone MultiVitamin 6.19 - $1 coupon 4.19
3 Degree mens deodorants 8.08 -(2) $1 coupon - 4.08
Sauve Shampoo 1.79 - $1 coupon (+0.21)
Sauve Conditioner 1.79
Double Pack Toothbrushes 5.49 - $1 coupon 3.49
Tylenol PM 5.29 - $1 coupon 3.29
Tylenol 8 hr 5.49 -$1 coupon 3.49
Contact Solution 9.19 -$2 coupon 5.19
Dayquil Liquid 6.49 - $1.50 coupon 3.49
Nyquil Liquid 6.59 - $1.50 coupon 3.59
Ban-aids 2.79 - $1 coupon 0.79
Marcel Toilet Paper 2.79 -$1 coupon 0.79
Herbal Essenes Shampoo 3.50 -$1 coupon 1.50
Herbel Essenes Conditioner 3.50 -$1 coupon 1.50
Sparkle Paper Towels 3.29 - $1 coupon 1.29
2 Huggie Wipes 6.28 - $1 coupon 4.28
3 Huggie Diapers 32.97 - (3)$5 coupon 17.97
3 Cheerios 6.00 -$1 coupon - 4.00
Total before savings 110.85
Total after coupons 70.35
OOP $0 (I had a rebate from my new cell phone so I paid nothing today!!)
2 Kix Cereal 5.00 -$1 coupon doubled 3.00
2 Banana Nut Cheerios 5.00 -$1 coupon doubled 3.00
2 Frosted Flakes Cereal 5.38 - $1 coupon doubled 3.38
Honey Bunches of Oats 2.50 - $1.50 coupon 1.00
Steak sandwiches 3.99
2 Edy's Ice Cream 5.34
Vegan Cheese 3.99
2 Half gallons of Soy Milk 5.70
Gallon 1% milk 2.80
Quart whole milk 0.90
18 ct eggs 1.74
2 Kids Crest -5.30 - B1G1 coupon 2.99
2 Oral B Stage 2 toothbrushes 5.00 - B1G1 coupon 2.50
5 Johnson Bath Buddies 4.95 - 5 coupons +0.05
Total before coupons 58.89
Total after coupons 40.24
Total OOP 10.59 (used the rest of the rebate from my cell phone)
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