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Meal Plan Monday

We have lots planned for this week. It is our local semi-annual kids clothing sale. If you live in the Lehigh Valley area of PA Check it out HERE. I am both consigning some clothes and shopping of course. Also this weekend is the weekend before EARTH DAY!! So I am super busy with some different Earth Day events both on Friday nite and Saturday! Hence when the menu is alittle sparse on those days.

I was able to fit in a couple of family favorites this week. We love Meatloaf, homemade Chicken Tenders, and Pork Tenderloin in the Crockpot. The meatloaf and chicken tenders are home recipes but you can check out the Pork Tenderloin HERE. Check out everyone else's menu's this week HERE.

Monday - Meatloaf & Mixed Veggies & Salad

Tuesday - Oven-Fried Chicken Tenders & Homemade Fries

Wednesday - Pack for Sassy's Lunch - Soy Cheese for Cheese Burgers
Dinner - Eggs & Toast

Thursday Pack for Sassy's Lunch - Soy Yogurt & Chicken Nuggets & Bread
Dinner - Meatball Sandwiches & Cheese & Salads

Friday - Pack for Sassy's Lunch - Soy Yogurt & Main Lunch Meal
Dinner - Dinner On Your Own

Saturday - Reheat Tuna Noodle Casserole

Sunday - Pork Tenderloin in the Crockpot


  1. Yes, Earth Day is quickly approaching. We used to go to the big event at Balboa Park every year, when we lived in San Diego.
    Sounds like some terrific workday dinners for your busy household.
    Happy MPM!


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