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Meal Plan Monday

How was your Mother's Day? Mine was wonderful, Sassy and I went to Church in the morning and then we went grocery shopping and loaded up on items, tell you about that later. My gift this year was a Wii, Wii fit and a great cardio game to go with it. I am loving it right now. I had to rip myself away from it to type this up. No this was not in the budget until July, but Daddy wanted to surprise me and that he did. He wants this to be my Mother's Day and his Father's Day gift, I am sure I will do something else for him, but I married the best guy ever!!

So the prep has begun for the family vacation to the mountains. This year we have included my entire family for a total of 12 people. We set the menu this weekend and now I am in charge of buying all of the food and bringing it up with us. What was I thinking when I said I would do this!! I am purchasing 6 meals for 12 people plus snacks for my family to bring to share with everyone.

So we are going to be eating out of the freezer and pantry over the couple of weeks to ensure nothing goes to waste while we are away (One of my biggest pet peeves!) and this will help minimize my stress. I brought out some good old standbys out of the recipe box. One of the great things about the chicken tenders and fries is you can make them ahead of time, freeze them and then just reheat. (Love this for an EASY, healthy meal)

Check out the other ladies menus this week HERE. Check back tomorrow to see how my shopping went, I just couldn't resist some deals and I also had Daddy and Sassy with me, so that always means a higher than planned bill.

Monday: Steak on the Grill, Potatoes & Onions, Salad

Tuesday: Salmon, Peas & Salad

Wednesday: Ultimate Breakfast Frittata

Thursday: Soft Tacos with Beef, Black Beans, Tomatoes, Cheese, Sour Cream

Friday: Oven-Fried Chicken Tenders & Homemade Fries

Saturday: Leftovers

Sunday: Hamburgers, Whole Wheat Rolls, Tater Tots


  1. Good grief, we usually only vacation with 4 people, but will have an extra 2 to make 6 in all this year, and that's bad enough. I guess when you're taking as many as you are, you have to be organised and plan accordingly.

  2. Wow! What a responsiblity to buy all the food for the vacation.
    It's great to read that there are families that spend their vacations together.

    Please stop by my blog. I'm celebrating 4 years of blogging with a drawing. Just leave a comment during the month of May. The prize...a $25 gift certificate from vinylvineyard at!


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